10.5. Main panel configuration
A frame style of the main panel you can specify choosing Frame
tab which was described later in next part of the document.
Specific tab allows you to define many parameters of the main panel
that will influence a work of created control panel. You can set colors of the panel or
choose its default color. You can set a name of a graphic file which will be the main
panel background. If you want that the main panel will be able to poll every some
period of time devices to update presented data, you should define at least one
session. In this aim you should press the button
in Sessions group to define a new sessions.
A sessions property dialog appears that you should pass a session name
(it is only essential to identity within the panel), SNMP version, a name or
an address of a device to which SNMP packets are sent, a type of requests
(Get - to read an operation and Set - to write an operation) and a
community. Sticking string field allows you to pass a text that can
be used as the text to paste to OID-s' controls during
actions are run.
Fields that must be specified are: a session name (Name),
a version (Version - choosing Unspecified field you don't
have to choose a concrete version) and a version type (Type).
During a generation of a real working panel unspecified fields
are completed by input parameters of xdnnv. This fact applies
when you create one panel for many devices of the same type
where only the following fields will be changed: a version
(Version), a name of device (Host), a community (Community).
In Sessions group of Specific tab the following buttons are placed:
In Timers group you can add a new
timer or delete an existed one. For each timer you can set an interval
counted in seconds. An interval lower then two seconds shows that the
actions from Actions group, connected with this timer, are taken only
one time in the moment of the panel creation. When you delete a given
timer, you delete also the actions connected with it. If you choose a
next timer while the choosing one earlier has got no actions, the timer
will be destroyed automatically.
In Actions group you can
set tools to manipulate an action list of a given timer. They allows
you to move up and down items of a list, delete a given item of the
list and add a new one. The button
lets you add a new item (an action) to the list and then a menu with two options:
Read and Write is appeared. The first one includes a sessions list to a
reading operation of values for specified objects to update them on the panel
(an operation Get in SNMP) and the second one includes a sessions list to a
writting operation i.e. sending values of specified object to monitored devices
(an operation Set in SNMP). In the most of cases the second list is empty.
When you specify a given session you look Choose objects dialog that allows
you to choose specified controls among all accessible in a given moment on the
panel. After choosing controls a command of actions will be added to a list of a given timer.