SNMP Community Configurator is one of the applications
accessible in Configuration tab. A main view of the application
presents a list of regular expressions described IP classes.
Regular expression describing IP addresses column includes a description of
IP class defined as a regular expression. The column SNMP version shows the SNMP version
used for the entry. Read community column
includes community, that is used to read for a given entry, and
Write community column (it is usually empty) includes
community, that is used to write. These columns are only used when the entry does not apply to SNMPv3.
Next six columns relate only to SNMPv3:
- Security name
Authentication protocol: MD5, SHA
- Authentication pass phrase
Privacy protocol: DES
- Privacy pass phrase
Security level: no authorization, no privacy; authorization, no privacy;
authorization and privacy
User level column
describes a minimum rihgts level of a user, that can edit a given
entry or delete it. Up column includes buttons, that helps a user
to move a given entry up, while Down column allows to move it down.
Moving of entries is an important function, because processing of the list by
dnmmsd module is interrupted on the first
matched entry. Add/Delete column lets a user add a new entry or delete
an existed one. If a user logged in a portal has a 0 level of rights, a last row of the list
includes fields allowing to define or add a new entry.
Entries in Regular expression describing IP addresses column
are links, that allow you to edit particular entries. The edited view correspond
with columns in the main view of the application.