Name - a user's identifier;
Password - a user's password;
Level - a privilege level (users of '0' levels
has the highest privileges while levels about higher values have
every now and again lower privileges.);
Gecos - a description of the account;
UID - a long invisible number, that is a numerical identifier of a user,
Groups - groups to which a user belongs to;
Default access - it describes if a user has access to the data,
that aren't specified fields with access rights;
Can change password - it shows if a user can change his password;
Creator - an account creator;
Modifier - the last user who modified the account;
Creation - the account creation time;
Modification - the account modification time;
User - the account owner;
Group - the account group;
User rights - access rigths for owner's account;
Group rights - access rigths to the account for a group;
Other rights - access rigths to the account for other users;
Groups+ - additional groups, that have access to the account.