Network Manager 3.0.0 (full version)
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Conventions
2. General information about David system
3. Terminology
4. Installation
5. Network Manager requirements
6. Installation
7. Network Manager (NM)
8. Network Management Map Client (dnmmc)
9. Service of Network Management Map (dnmmsd)
10. Enhanced Data Collector (dedcd)
11. Slow Query Executor (dsqed)
12. Network Management Map (xdnmm)
13. Network Nodes Viewer (xdnnv)
14. Network Node Views Editor (xdnnve)
15. Buttons the most often used in Web applications
16. Excluded IP Address Configurator
17. SNMP Community Configurator
18. User and Group Manager
19. User Manager
20. Group Manager
21. Collection Browser
22. Node Browser
23. Node Reporter
24. Notification Recipient Configurator
25. Web Module Configurator
26. Service Monitor
27. Customer Configurator

23.2. Description

23.2.1. Specyfication of searching criterions Default view of the application

Node Browser is accesible through Nodes. It's created by the following groups: Pings, Network interfaces, BGP peers and Managed items. Each group includes fields, that in characteristic way for a given item type allow to specific criterions of its search. Clicking on the button lets you run a searching process for a given item. Clicking on the button allows you to go to detailed view of seleceted item group.

All groups includes Show/hide matched filed, that can take on two states: Show or Hide. The first state means, that items realising searching criterions, are shown while the second one, that the criterions aren't shown. As a result of search you receive an item list about which you can receive detailed reports.

All groups also include Show only items with DOWN states field, that show, whether a final report will be generated for all selected items, or for the items from among selected one, that in a given period of time were selected at least for once in DOWN state. Pings group

The group includes Name filed in which you can give a ping object description (given by an administrator) or its part. IP field allows you to give IP address (or its part) of searched ping object. Group field allows you to select a ping object group. Network Interfaces group

The group includes Description field in which you can give a network interface description (given by an administrator) or its part. In Interface field you can select an interface name or its part. Deleted field shows, if interfaces matched as deleted will be searched. BGP peers group

The group includes Description field in which you can give a BGP peer description (given by an administrator) or its part. Peer IP address field allows you to give an IP address (or its part) of a searched BGP peer. In Peer AS field you can give a BGP peer number. Deleted field shows, if BGP peers matched as deleted will be searched. Managed items group

The group includes a field Text in which the user can give a searched string. Source device field lets choose a device which managed items will be searched, while the fiels Group lets the user select a group which managed items belong to. The field Deleted tells whether also items marked as deleted will be searched.

23.2.2. A specyfication of report components for given items

The view is divided on two parts. The top one includes an items list for which a report will be prepared. The bottom one includes a report configuration. Depending on a kind of reports for which a report will be generated, a list of them will be have a different form but a bottom part of the view will be the same. There is a detailed report configuration. Reports will be prepared for items selected in the top part. Particular groups of a configured report part describe the single report components, that will be select during a report configuration (i.e. Status shares, Logs). Common group includes parameters common for other groups (i.e. time range of a report). Time range group includes parameters relating to a whole report. Status shares group

The group corresponds with the report part, that shows a percentage share of particular states which a given item can take on. Graph's width and Graph's height fields let you specify width and height of a graph, that shows a percentage share of particular states. Status graph group

The group corresponds with the report part, that shows state changes in a specified period of time which a given item can take on. Each period occupies field allows you to select a minimum scale of time axis, and Graph's width and field let you specify a graph width showing state changes in a specified period of time. Responses group

The group only concerns ping objects and it isn't shown default in the reporot, because it is on experimental stage. The fields Graph's width and Graph's height allow you to specify a graph width and height, that shows received messages for a ping object. The fields Min RTT, Avg RTT, Max RTT and Percent of responses helps you to choose a kind of data, that will be shown on the graph. Logs group

The group corresponds with the report part, that shows entries about particular states of a given item. Results per page fileds allows you to describe a maximum nuber of entries, that will be presents for once. Time range group

The group needn't be selected, because it concerns time range of a whole report. The time range can be specified on two ways: through choosing of time range, that lasts to a current moment or through choosing a given date and time in combination with a selected time range (i.e.: 1 day, 2 days, 1 week, etc.).

23.2.3. Generated report

The picture shows an exemplary report view for a single item, that consists of three groups (Status shares, Status graph and Logs). The beginning of the report, for each selected entry, a heading with description and link to Node Browser (showing the item) is placed. There is also a time range for which the report was prepared.

There is a difference in the look of the report prepared for managed items. It includes information regarding general parameters, which all items have, and parameters specific to the origin managed item group.