Notification Recipient Configurator is one of applications accessible
in Configuration tab. A main view of the application presents
a list of notification recipients. Community column includes
a string which is used to describe e-mail address of notification recipient, that is
included in E-mail column. A notification recipient, for a given
Community, can be a single e-mail address or their list, that elements
are separtated by commas. Send short messages column describes, if
messages, sent to the recipient, are a short form or normal. The short form usually
includes only a subject of the message and it can use to sent sms.
User level column defines a minimum rights level of the user,
that can edit a given entry or delete it. Add/Delete column
lets a user add a new entry or delete an existed one. If a user logged in
the portal has got a 0 level of rights, a last row of the list
includes fields allowing to define and add a new entry.
Entries in Community column are links, that allow you to
edit particular entries. The edited view correspond with columns in the main view
of the application.