This part of the applications allows to create a list of customers.
If you want to add a new client to the list, you should press New
button. Then, a dialog window displays itself to add new clients. You should
give a client's name, choose identyfier and group, if it exists, and set access rights
for users and user groups.
If you click on a client, you selet its edition. For each entry, 4 tabs are
Customer details, Additional groups,
Network interfaces, Managed items.
And here, in Customer details, you can change
an entry name, its identyfier, access rights for groups and users.
In Additonal groups tab you can add a new group and set it access rights.
In Network interfaces group, you can add selected network interfaces to
the client. In this case a list of monitored devices is accessible and using it, you can choose
a device and its network interfaces.
In Managed items tab, you can add managed item to the client.
The buttons of the main view allows you to do new actions. Besides adding a new entry,
$ button adds a selected client to the accounting report of Node Browser
application. The green arrows lets you move between clients in order of the client list.
The middle arrow moves us to the main view of the application. The red button deletes
a client from the list which is looked currently.
The application lets you search clients according to their names,
identyfiers or groups. In this case, you should use Search...
button. After finish searching you should use Exit search button.
Columns of the client list are described below:
Table 27.1. Customer Configurator - columns of the application
Column |
Description |
Delete |
It marks a client to delete. |
Name |
A name of the client. |
Identifier |
An identyfier of the client. |
Customer group |
A group to which a client belongs to. |
Creator |
A creator of entry about the client. |
Modifier |
A modyfier of entry about the client. |
Creation |
Creation time of entry about the client. |
Modification |
Last, modification time of entry about the client. |
User |
An owner's name of entry about the client. |
Group |
A group of entry about the client. |
User rights |
Access rights to entry about the client for its owner. |
Group rights |
Access rights to entry about the client for group of users. |
Other rights |
Access rights to entry about the client for the other users. |
Ulevel |
A minimum level of the user, that can modify an entry about the client. |
Groups+ |
Additional groups of users, that can an access to entry about the client. |
If you click on an item name of the accessible application list, you can see
a detailed view of selected application. The view lets you change properties of
selected application.
27.2.2. Customer groups tab
Customer grouptab creates groups of clients.
Meaning of columns of the tab is agreed with meaning of columns of Customers
tab with the expection of Num of customers column which shows
a number of clients, that are included in this group.
New button adds a new group. If you press it, the
dialog window Customer group detailes is opened, where
you should give a name of client group, an enttry owner and set access rights.
If you click a name of client group, in the main view of the application,
the dialog window is opened, that is consited of two tabs:
Customer grup details and Additional groups.
In the first tab you can change data concerning a group. You can change a name of the
client group and access rights. Green arrows lets you move between groups of clients in order
of the list. The second tab Additional groups lets you add additional group
to the group of clients and set access rigthe for it.