Notification Processor 0.24.0
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Conventions
2. General information about David system
3. Terminology
4. Installation
5. Notification Processor requirements
6. Installation
7. General
8. Events Service (des)
9. SNMP Notification Receiver (dtrapd)
10. Information Recorder (dsi)
11. Events Service Configurator (xdesc)
12. Buttons the most often used in Web applications
13. Trap Browser

9.5. Input parameters passed on running programs

Besides parameters specified in the configuration file, each program receives data included in a SNMP-Trap message as its input parameters. They could be as follows:

Table 9.2. Arguments meaning

Argument name Description
-s address IP address of a sender of a message.
-a address IP address of an agent - a sender of a message.
-c community Community of a message.
-e enterprise Identifier of enterprise in MIB.
-g generic_type A generic type of a message (only in SNMPv1).
-p specific_type A specific number of a message (only in SNMPv1).
-n notify_oid Identifier (OID) of a message in MIB (only in SNMPv2).
-t timestamp A timestamp of a message.

Variables included in the message are given at the end of a list of input arguments and without a preceded switch. Each variable is taken in square brackets and it has the following format: [OID: value], where OID is a variable identifier in MIB and value is a value of this variable.