Notification Processor 0.24.0
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Conventions
2. General information about David system
3. Terminology
4. Installation
5. Notification Processor requirements
6. Installation
7. General
8. Events Service (des)
9. SNMP Notification Receiver (dtrapd)
10. Information Recorder (dsi)
11. Events Service Configurator (xdesc)
12. Buttons the most often used in Web applications
13. Trap Browser

10.3. Options

Table 10.1. dsi options

Option name Description
-A,--ask-server Ask Graphic Notifications Server for displaying a graphic notification about the received message before saving it to the files (default: don't ask the server, only write the data to the files).
-l,--log-facility log_facility Choose log facility: daemon | user | local0 | ... | local7 (default: local6).
-L,--log-level log_level Choose log level (on stderr and syslog) i.e. messages of selected level and more important levels will be logged: emerg | alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug0 | ... | debug2 (default: warning).
-F,--server-file socket_file Connect with the server via a specified socket file (default: /tmp/dgns.ic.socket).
-H,--server-host host Connect with the server on a specified host (default: connect via a socket file).
-P,--server-host-tcp-port port Connect with the server on a specified host using a specified TCP port (default: 6677 but default connection is made via a socket file: /tmp/dgns.ic.socket).
-f,--file file Store information in a specified file instead of stdout; using this option multiple times creates a list of files (default: only store information on stdout).
-C,--color-foreground red green blue Choose foreground color (RGB format) of the message that will be displayed by the server (i.e. -C "220 0 20" means: red=220, green=0, blue=20, default: R=0, G=0, B=160).
-B,--color-background red green blue Choose background color (RGB format) of the message that will be displayed by the server (i.e. -B "0 0 100" means: red=0, green=0, blue=100, default: R=0, G=220, B=0).
-S,--font-size fontsize Choose font size of the message that will be displayed by the server (default: 12).
-i,--severity level A severity level of this notification expressed as a double type number (default: 0.0).
-r,--display-time seconds Maximum time (in sec. max: 2^32-1) this notification will be displayed by the server (default: 60 seconds).
-s,--source-ip IP_address IP address of a sender of this notification.
-a,--agent-ip IP-address IP address of a SNMP agent that sent this notification.
-c community SNMP community of this notification.
-n,--number information_nr Identifier (OID) of this notification in MIB.
-e,--enterprise enterprise_oid Identifier of an enterprise in MIB.
-t,--time-stamp time-stamp Timestamp of this notification.
-g,--generic generic_type A generic number of this notification.
-p,--specific specific_type A specific number of this notification.
-d,--message-id string An unique ID string that identifies this message in Operation Manager.
--community community The community assigned to this message.
-m,--message message A human readable string that describes this message.
--ctime unsignedtype_number The case creation time (in sec. since beginning of UNIX epoch).
--mtime unsignedtype_number The case modification time (in sec. since beginning of UNIX epoch).
--id unsignedtype_number Number of the case in a given day.
--active-value signedtype_number A value which should be returned for any event marked as active by an operator during displaying of the message (default: 1).
--passive-value signedtype_number A value which should be returned for any event marked as passive by an operator during displaying of the message (default: -1).
--closing-reason description Description, why the case has been closed.
--closed-by username A user that closed this case.
--event-ctime unsignedtype_number Creation time of next event in this case (in sec. since beginning of UNIX epoch).
--event-mtime unsignedtype_number Modification time of next event in this case (in sec. since beginning of UNIX epoch).
--event-id unsignedtype_number An ID of next event in this case.
--event-hits-number unsignedtype_number A hit number of next event in this case.
--event-state (active | passive | not-managed-here) State of next event in this case (active means that something is still wrong; passive that everything is OK; not-managed-here - for your information only).
--event-msg text A human readable string that describes next event in this case.
--event-successors text The successors of next event in this case (\n character of new line separates another successors for this event).
-v,--version Display version number on stderr and exit.
-h,--help Display this help and exit.