Ask Graphic Notifications Server
for displaying a graphic notification about the received message before saving it to the
files (default: don't ask the server, only write the data to
the files). |
-l,--log-facility log_facility
Choose log facility: daemon | user | local0 | ... | local7 (default: local6). |
-L,--log-level log_level
Choose log level (on stderr and syslog) i.e. messages of
selected level and more important levels will be logged: emerg |
alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug0 | ... |
debug2 (default: warning). |
-F,--server-file socket_file
Connect with the server via a specified socket file (default: /tmp/dgns.ic.socket). |
-H,--server-host host
Connect with the server on a specified host (default: connect via a socket file). |
-P,--server-host-tcp-port port
Connect with the server on a specified host using a specified
TCP port (default: 6677 but default connection is made via a socket file: /tmp/dgns.ic.socket). |
-f,--file file
Store information in a specified file
instead of stdout; using this option multiple times creates a list of
files (default: only store information on stdout). |
-C,--color-foreground red green blue
Choose foreground color (RGB format) of the message that will be displayed by
the server (i.e. -C "220 0 20" means: red=220, green=0, blue=20, default: R=0, G=0, B=160). |
-B,--color-background red green blue
Choose background color (RGB format) of the message that will be displayed by the server
(i.e. -B "0 0 100" means: red=0, green=0, blue=100, default: R=0, G=220, B=0). |
-S,--font-size fontsize
Choose font size of the message that will be displayed by the server (default: 12). |
-i,--severity level
A severity level of this notification expressed as a double type number (default: 0.0). |
-r,--display-time seconds
Maximum time (in sec. max: 2^32-1) this notification will be displayed by
the server (default: 60 seconds). |
-s,--source-ip IP_address
IP address of a sender of this notification. |
-a,--agent-ip IP-address
IP address of a SNMP agent that sent this notification. |
-c community
SNMP community of this notification. |
-n,--number information_nr
Identifier (OID) of this notification in MIB. |
-e,--enterprise enterprise_oid
Identifier of an enterprise in MIB. |
-t,--time-stamp time-stamp
Timestamp of this notification. |
-g,--generic generic_type
A generic number of this notification. |
-p,--specific specific_type
A specific number of this notification. |
-d,--message-id string
An unique ID string that identifies this message in
Operation Manager. |
--community community
The community assigned to this message. |
-m,--message message
A human readable string that describes this message. |
--ctime unsignedtype_number
The case creation time (in sec. since beginning of UNIX epoch). |
--mtime unsignedtype_number
The case modification time (in sec. since beginning of UNIX epoch). |
--id unsignedtype_number
Number of the case in a given day. |
--active-value signedtype_number
A value which should be returned for any event marked as
active by an operator during displaying of the message (default: 1). |
--passive-value signedtype_number
A value which should be returned for any event marked
as passive by an operator during displaying of the message (default: -1). |
--closing-reason description
Description, why the case has been closed. |
--closed-by username
A user that closed this case. |
--event-ctime unsignedtype_number
Creation time of next event in this case (in sec. since beginning of UNIX epoch). |
--event-mtime unsignedtype_number
Modification time of next event in this case (in sec. since beginning of UNIX epoch). |
--event-id unsignedtype_number
An ID of next event in this case. |
--event-hits-number unsignedtype_number
A hit number of next event in this case. |
--event-state (active | passive | not-managed-here)
State of next event in this case (active means that something is still wrong;
passive that everything is OK; not-managed-here - for your information only). |
--event-msg text
A human readable string that describes next event in this case. |
--event-successors text
The successors of next event in this case (\n character of new line
separates another successors for this event). |
Display version number on stderr and exit. |
Display this help and exit. |