Operation Manager 0.27.0 (full version)
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Conventions
2. General information about David system
3. Terminology
4. Installation
5. Operation Manager requirements
6. Installation
7. General information
8. Graphic Notifications Server (dgnsd)
9. Sound Client (sndc)
10. Access to the SNMP Trap Interface (damsnmpti)
11. SNMP Trap Analyser (damsnmptaud)
12. Access to the SNMP Data Interface (damsnmpdi)
13. SNMP Data Analyser (damsnmpdaud)
14. Cases Database Unit (damadbud)
15. Cases Service Unit (damcsud)
16. Buttons the most often used in Web applications
17. Recorded Operation Browser
18. Pending Operation Browser
19. Graphic Notifications Presenter (xdgnp)

13.3. Options

Table 13.1. damsnmpdaud options

Option Description
-f,--socketfile filename Use a specified socket file for listening (default: /tmp/damsnmpdaud.socket).
-p,--port unsignedtype_number Use a specified UDP port number for listening instead of a socket file (default socket file: /tmp/damsnmpdaud.socket).
--snmpdf-average-len doubletype_number Use a specified length of a window of average values for each data; a length of windows for minimum and maximum values is the same and equals (1.0 - len_of _average)/2; this parameter must be inside range (0.0;1.0) (default: 0.9).
--snmpdf-time-between-balances unsignedtype_number Use a specified number of seconds that must occur between balancing of each data (default: 10800).
--snmpdf-balance-factor doubletype_number Use a specified balancing factor to learn about limits of windows of average values (default: 0.3).
--snmpdf-max-severity-factor doubletype_number Use a specified severity factor to decide whether an incoming message should be forwarded when its value is above limit of a window of its average values about length of that window multiplied by that factor (only if autobalance is ON for that value, default: 2.0).
--snmpdf-min-severity-factor doubletype_number Use the specified severity factor to decide whether an incoming message should be forwarded when its value is below limit of a window of its average values about length of that window multiplied by that factor (only if autobalance is ON for that value, default: 0.5).
--snmpdf-min-balances4info unsignedtype_number Send outgoing UDP packets when number of balancing procedures for a given item is equal or greater then a specified value (default: 36).
--snmpdf-ttl seconds Destroy item that its modification time is older then a specified number of seconds (default: 172800).
--snmpdf-timeout-text-prefix text Specify a prefix of a text that will precede (in ID of a message) an IP address of a host which doesn't respond on SNMP requests (default: 'Timeout for: ').
--snmpdf-sender-delay-max unsignedtype_number Specify a maximum number of seconds after that a new sender will be assigned as a new trustworthy sender of that data (default: 10).
--snmpdf-severity-growing-factor-4min unsignedtype_number Specify a severity growing factor for values below windows of average values (default: 4).
--snmpdf-severity-growing-factor-4max unsignedtype_number Specify severity growing factor for values above windows of average values (default: 4).
--snmpdf-ignored-community text Specify a community to stop forwarding some type of data; data contains (it's case insensitive) that community will not be forwarded (default: ignore).
--out-udp-socketfile filename Use a socket file for outgoing packets (/tmp/damadbud.socket).
--out-udp-port unsignedtype_number Send outgoing UDP packets to this port (default: use socket file '/tmp/damadbud.socket').
--out-host hostname Send outgoing UDP packets to that host (default:
-P,--pid-file filename Write PID to the specified file.
-l,--log-facility log_facility Choose log facility: daemon | user | local0 | ... | local7 (default: local6).
-L,--log-level log_level Choose log level (on stderr and syslog) i.e. messages of selected level and more important levels will be logged: emerg | alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug0 | ... | debug2 (default: warning).
-u,--run-as-user username Drop root privileges and run server as the specified user.
--background Go to background after startup.
--ignore-case-4-severity Calculate a processed message severity ignoring case.
-v,--version Display version number on stderr and exit.
-h,--help Display this help and exit.