17.2.1. Specyfication of searching criterions Default view of the application
Recorded Operation Browser is accesible through
Reports tab. It is a Cases group of the tab.
If you give searching criterions in Cases group, you'll
get a list of registered information about processed cases.
The fields included in the group and their meaning are presented in the chart below.
Table 17.1. Recorded Operation Browser - fields description of Cases group
Field |
Description |
Text |
A human readable meaning of a case. |
Community |
A label of the case consisted of labels of events, that included
in the case (individiual labels are separated from themselves ':' mark).
Source device |
A device which is a source of the case. |
Show/hide matched |
The field means, if the cases fulfilling searching criterions
are shown or hidden. |
View type |
Two modes of presenting of a registered cases list are possible:
choosing As cases mode causes grouping of entries on
the subject on the same case in one string of information; choosing
As log entries mode causes treating of each entry
independently and it is rather less, natural mode of information browsing
about existed cases. |
Time range |
Time range specification through choosing of a period of time which
lasts till now. |
Date and period |
Time range specification thorough selecting of specific date and
time in combination with a specific period of time (i.e. 1 day,
2 days, 1 week etc.). |
Results per page |
It describes a maximum number of entries, that are shown
at once. |
Each bar occupies |
You can set here, how much time a single period of time will
included on a graph schedule of case occurrence in time. |
Graph's width |
Width of a graph |
Graph's height |
Height of a graph. |
Limit graph results |
For As cases view, it sets if
generated graph of particular case duration is including
all selected cases or current presented one (limited by
Results per page parameter). |
The view of As cases type is a natural way for browsing
information about occurrence cases. Main rows including serial numbers give you
information about the first entry of a given case. If entries are more then one,
additional row appears and it will inludes information about the last entry of
the case. ID column includes a case identyfier. Links of
Title column allow you to get to more detailed information about
a given case beginning from a list of all entries concerned this case.
Duration column gives time beginning from the first, visible
entry of a given case to the last (often it is a duration of the case).
Percent of period column shows a percentage participation of
Duration field quantity of a given case to selected,
during generating of a report, a period of time.
Below the list the graph is placed. It shows a time range between
the first and the last entry of each presented cases. As log entries view
The view of As log entries type treats each entry
independently and it is rather less, natural way for browsing the information
about existed cases. But its mode of browsing sometimes is useful.
ID column includes a case identyfier.
Links of Title column allow you to get to more detailed information about
a given case beginning from a list of all entries concerned this case.
Below the list, a graph is placed. It shows a quantity of entries
about cases in selected period of time, that correspod with searching criterions.