Specyfication of searching criterions
The group includes Text field allowing to give a searching text,
that shows in a description of pending cases. Community
field allows to browse cases according to a text content in their Community
fields. State field allows to choose these cases, that are currently in
a choosen state. Clicking the button
runs a searching process of the cases. The list of active cases
The list is divided into columns, that characterize the particular cases.
State column shows a current state of a each case, while
ID gives its identyfier. The column Updates shows
if sending updates is blocked or not. Description
column shows a description of each case. Clicking on ID or
Description field casuses displaying details about
the selected case.
There is also a list of events included in the case and a list of actions, that were or are run
for this case.
The list of events is devided into colimns describing an event state (State
column), a number of occurrence of a given event since the case was created (Hits column)
and its meaning (Description column).
The list of actions is devided into columns: ID - an action identyfier
which comes from a configuration file of damcsud module,
State - a current action state (DONE or RUNNING) and Calls
- a number of calls of a given action.
The button
which is placed on the toolbar, above description of a given case,
lets you close the case.
Clicking on Description field shows a detailed view of
selected event included in a given case.
The Case field describes a case in brief to which
a given event belongs. Next fields describes properties of particular event parts,
that were created in a process of event creation starting off a message SNMP Trap
or SNMP Data.
The button
which is placed on the toolbar, above a given event description,
lets you to set an event state as passive.