David system startup configuration
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Notification Recipient Configurator
3. SNMP Community Configurator
4. MAC Address Configurator
5. IP Address Configurator
6. Exluded IP Address Configurator

3.1. General

SNMP Community Configurator is a part of Network Manager. It allows you to configure SNMP Community entries for particular ranges of IP classes, described through regular expressions. Module dnmmsd uses a list of the entries that are definied as below. The module browses the list during polling of discovered devices and scaning of a network to discover new devices and it selects the first entry about SNMP Community (read community), that suits for a processed IP address.

A main view of the application presents a list of regular expressions described IP classes. Regular expression describing IP addresses column includes a description of IP class defined as a regular expression. Read community column includes community, that is used to read for a given entry, and Write community column (it is usually empty) includes community, that is used to write. User level column describes a minimum rihgts level of a user, that can edit a given entry or delete it. Up column includes buttons, that helps a user to move a given entry up, while Down column allows to move it down. Moving of entries is an important function, because processing of the list by dnmmsd module is interrupted on the first matched entry. Add/Delete column lets a user add a new entry or delete an existed one. If a user logged in a portal has a 0 level of rights, a last row of the list includes fields allowing to define or add a new entry.