SQL Database Archive and Backup Manager 0.6.0
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Conventions
2. General information about David system
3. Terminology
4. Installation
5. SQL Database Archive and Backup Manager requirements
6. Installation
7. General
8. SQL Database Archiver (dsqldbad)

2.2. David system architecture

Table 2.1. David system products

Product Description
David system Common Files The product, during its installation, prepares the rudimentary directory tree for other products of David system. It also contains some essential and common files for all the products. Thus, this is a fundamental product of David system required by other its products.
Primary SQL Database The product installs the primary SQL database of David system. Every single installation of David system must have only one the primary database.
Secondary SQL Database The product installs the secondary SQL database of David system. Each installation of David system may have many secondary databases or none. It allows to distribute the SQL database of David system among many servers.
David system Libraries This product provides libraries of David system required by its applications. Many other products of David system require that one.
Daemon Manager It engages in running and terminating daemons of David system as well as monitoring of their work.
Network Manager (full version) The product using SNMP protocol allows to visualise a topology of monitored networks and auto-discover devices in managed networks. The state of monitored devices also is visualized. The product also collects data from monitored devices using SNMP protocol and allows you to manage user accounts.
Network Manager (console version) The product, through a graphic application, allows to visualize a topology of monitored networks and shows states of monitored resources. It allows you to control daemons monitoring devices as well as that ones gathering data. Currently, most of functions of that application is obtainable through web applications.
Notification Processor The product chiefly engages in processing SNMP Trap notifications coming from monitored devices to management stations. The received messages can be formatted to the human readable forms, and then recorded as well. The processed notifications can be passed on to future processing.
Operation Manager (full version) It can run specified actions on the basis of received data. Sophisticated estimation process depends on information coming from other products of David system and correlation of that information. It tries to build more intelligent and useful notifications then just simple reactions to incoming events. The graphic application displays notifications about received events and allows to play audio files as well as reading messages by an outer speach synthesizer.
Operation Manager (console version) The product contains a graphic application displaying notifications about events and allowing to play audio files as well as reading messages by an outer speach synthesizer.
Report Manager The product processes recorded SNMP Trap notifications, entries about pending operations and entries about state changes of monitored devices (ping objects, network interfaces and BGP peers), and generates raports on the basis of them. Raports can be viewed using a Web application.
Service Monitor The product monitors selected network services on application level. In order to do this it monitors selected TCP ports of specified hosts. It checks both availability of ports and a correct reaction for a few selected network protocols (HTTP, SMTP, FTP). It also can verify correctness of work of selected services by verification of received data. Results of its work can be viewed as reports and graphs made available by a Web application.
SQL Database Archive and Backup Manager It archives the SQL Database used by David system applications.
Distributed SQL Database Manager It allows to devide the database of David system into one primary database and many secondary ones. Such step boosts performance of the system and decreases load of the servers where daemons of David system work. The migration takes place during the rutine work of the system. Such division may be altered many times.

Dependences between the David system products are shown on the following chart:.

David system functionality can be very large and it depends on particular configuration a lot. The most important features of David system are:

  • discovering and visualization of monitored networks topology including visualization of states of particular nodes;

  • possibility of building control panels to monitored devices (they must support SNMP protocol), regardless of device providers;

  • formatting and recording SNMP Traps sent by agents working on monitored devices;

  • automatic reaction to specified SNMP Traps received from monitored devices;

  • possibility of identification of an operator that has received an alert from the system about a problem;

  • collecting data concerning parameters of monitored devices;

  • automatic reaction to incorrect values of data that were found during data collecting;

  • recording pending cases, processed by the system, which have been created as responses for events detected by the system in a monitored network;

  • monitoring selected network services on application level.