SQL Database Archive and Backup Manager 0.6.0
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Conventions
2. General information about David system
3. Terminology
4. Installation
5. SQL Database Archive and Backup Manager requirements
6. Installation
7. General
8. SQL Database Archiver (dsqldbad)

8.3. Options

Table 8.1. dsqldbad options

Option name Description
-P,--pid-file filename Write PID to the specified file.
-l,--log-facility log_facility Choose log facility: deamon | user | local0 | ... | local7 (default: local6).
-L,--log-level log_level Choose logging level (on stderr and syslog): emerg | alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug0 | ... | debug2 (default: warning).
-u,--run-as-user username Drop root privilages and run the server as the specified user.
--background Go to background after startup.
--max-os-load number Set maximum OS load that the normal work is allowed to be continued (default: 4.4).
--max-num-days number Set maximum number of days when the data are still treated as current and not archived (default: 180).
--max-num-days-4-weekly number Set maximum number of days when the data in weekly tables are still treated as current and not archived (default:365*2).
--max-num-days-4-monthly number Set maximum number of days when the data in monthly tables are still treated as current and not archived (default:365*5).
--max-num-days-4-yearly number Set maximum number of days when the data in yearly tables are still treated as current and not archived (default:365*10).
--min-rows-2-move number Set minimum number of rows to be moved from an original table to a temporary one (default:10000).
--max-rows-2-move number Set maximum number of rows that can be moved from an original table to a temporary one as a single operation (default: 100000).
--min-rows-2-dump-table number Set minimum number of rows in a temporary table when it is allowed to be dumped into the file (default: 1000000).
--archive-dir dirname Set name of a top directory where all dump files will be created (default: dump).
--max-archive-dir-mb size Set maximum size in MB (MB=1048576 bytes) of all files archived in a single archive directory (default:700MB).
--compress-cmd command Use this command to compress SQL table dump files (default: gzip).
--compressed-file-suffix string Expect files with such suffix as compressed after running the compress command (default: .gz).
--notification-cmd command Use this command to notify the user that a new archive is completed (default: /usr/bin/david-system/sqldbabm/new-archive-notification.sh).
--min-free-space-mb size Set minimum of required free space in MB (on filesystem that contains the archive directory; default: 2048).
-v,--version Display version number and exit.
-h,--help Display these informations and exit.