-P,--pid-file filename
Write PID to the specified file. |
-l,--log-facility log_facility
Choose log facility: deamon | user | local0 | ... | local7 (default: local6). |
-L,--log-level log_level
Choose logging level (on stderr and syslog): emerg | alert | crit | err |
warning | notice | info | debug0 | ... | debug2 (default: warning). |
-u,--run-as-user username
Drop root privilages and run the server as the specified user. |
Go to background after startup. |
--max-os-load number
Set maximum OS load that the normal work is allowed to be continued (default: 4.4). |
--max-num-days number
Set maximum number of days when the data are still treated as current and not archived (default: 180). |
--max-num-days-4-weekly number
Set maximum number of days when the data in weekly tables are still treated as current
and not archived (default:365*2). |
--max-num-days-4-monthly number
Set maximum number of days when the data in monthly tables are still treated as current and not
archived (default:365*5). |
--max-num-days-4-yearly number
Set maximum number of days when the data in yearly tables are still treated as current
and not archived (default:365*10). |
--min-rows-2-move number
Set minimum number of rows to be moved from an original table to a temporary one
(default:10000). |
--max-rows-2-move number
Set maximum number of rows that can be moved from an original table to a temporary
one as a single operation (default: 100000). |
--min-rows-2-dump-table number
Set minimum number of rows in a temporary table when it is allowed
to be dumped into the file (default: 1000000). |
--archive-dir dirname
Set name of a top directory where all dump files
will be created (default: dump). |
--max-archive-dir-mb size
Set maximum size in MB (MB=1048576 bytes) of all files archived in a single archive directory
(default:700MB). |
--compress-cmd command
Use this command to compress SQL table dump files (default: gzip). |
--compressed-file-suffix string
Expect files with such suffix as compressed after running the compress command (default: .gz). |
--notification-cmd command
Use this command to notify the user that a new archive is completed (default:
/usr/bin/david-system/sqldbabm/new-archive-notification.sh). |
--min-free-space-mb size
Set minimum of required free space in MB (on filesystem that contains the archive directory; default: 2048). |
Display version number and exit. |
Display these informations and exit. |