SQL Database Archive and Backup Manager 0.6.0
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Conventions
2. General information about David system
3. Terminology
4. Installation
5. SQL Database Archive and Backup Manager requirements
6. Installation
7. General
8. SQL Database Archiver (dsqldbad)

8.4. Description

dsqldbad program archives old data from the SQL tabels, that store historical data. The data allows to draw graphs, report logs, etc. dsqldbad program moves old data to temporary tables, that it creates automatically. If a number of rows in a temporary table exceeds a fixed value, the table is dumped to a file. Then, the file is compressed. If a sum of dumped files exceeds a fixed value, the all dumped files are moved to a new directory, that performs the function of archive. The user is noticed, that a new archive is ready. He can record the whole directory on CDs or DVDs and delete it.