Network Manager 3.0.0 (full version)
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Conventions
2. General information about David system
3. Terminology
4. Installation
5. Network Manager requirements
6. Installation
7. Network Manager (NM)
8. Network Management Map Client (dnmmc)
9. Service of Network Management Map (dnmmsd)
10. Enhanced Data Collector (dedcd)
11. Slow Query Executor (dsqed)
12. Network Management Map (xdnmm)
13. Network Nodes Viewer (xdnnv)
14. Network Node Views Editor (xdnnve)
15. Buttons the most often used in Web applications
16. Excluded IP Address Configurator
17. SNMP Community Configurator
18. User and Group Manager
19. User Manager
20. Group Manager
21. Collection Browser
22. Node Browser
23. Node Reporter
24. Notification Recipient Configurator
25. Web Module Configurator
26. Service Monitor
27. Customer Configurator

12.5. A configuration of the Database items

You can make a configuration of Network Information Database items using un-modal windows. Some types of items have got additional windows presenting a list of all available items of a given type in the Database.

Each of edit windows has from the left side two or more buttons that allow you to move between panels within a edit window. Beside a specific panel for a given item, at last one more panel exists and it describes access rights to an item or a whole list of items. All edit windows with an exception of two have four following buttons:

  • Apply and Close - confirms changes and closes a window;

  • Apply - confirms changes without closing a window;

  • Close - closes a window;

  • Add as new - adds a new item on the basis of current specified item parameters.

There isn't the last Add as new button in edit windows for network interfaces and BGP peers and managed items. Thereby you can't add this items to the Database because the system adds and backups the items itself on the basis of a managed device configuration.

12.5.1. Styles configuration

Styles are items of state groups. The states groups can accept the Database items as i.e.: network interfaces and objects. Each style includes an unique style identifier to others styles and it can include a name. It has two properties signified as OFF color and ON color. That colors mean states on/off and they create an effect of fleshing colors of an item. You can do the effect setting a timer value greater then zero and pressing Flesz option. Otherwise a continuous color will be used which is signed as ON color. A list of available styles

A list of styles presents styles sorted according to their names. There are properties of particular items in the columns. Selected items of a list can be edit in the Style window. You can open it pressing the button below the item list or choosing the window from the main view of the application. You can choose more then one selected item. The right button below the item list allows you to delete selected items of the item list.

12.5.2. A configuration of state groups

State groups specify a work of the Database items such as: network interfaces, BGP peers, objects and ping objects. Each of the items includes a field describing to which a state group a given item belongs. Each state group includes an unique identifier with relation to other state group and it can include a name. It also includes a list of styles that agree with particular states beginning with Not managed and finishing on Passive. A state group also have three fields defining levels of particular state items. All possible values belong to a rang <0;1>. An item state will be defined as OK, if a counting value of an item is below Minor level. Otherwise, if an item value is below Major level, an item state will be described as Minor fault. Otherwise, if an item value is below Critical level, an item state will be described as Major fault. Otherwise an item state will be Critical. An item value that presents physical device (computer or router) is counted on the basis of its included items such as: network interfaces, BGP peers and managed items. In other cases states of item children influence on an item state (i.e. location). In this way states of children propagate on higher levels of a map hierarchy through their parents. Additionally on states of items influnace item states from which the items are depended on (Dependences). The last two fields of a state group are Update interval and Check interval. The first one describes about what period of time (in seconds) a configuration of monitored devices will be actualized by SNMP protocol and second one - about what period of time an item state will be checked. In a natural way the first field is used for physical devices and second one for network interfaces, BGP peers, managed items and ping objects. A list of available state groups

A list of state groups presents state groups sorted according to their names. In the columns, properties of particular items are showed. Selected items of a list can modified in the State Groups window. You can open the window pressing a left button below an item list, besides its opening in the main view of the application. There are more then one selected item. The right button below an item list allows you to delete selected items from a list.

12.5.3. Communities configuration

Community it is an element, that includes a string and a kind of the operation, that can be done with it. The operations are done during work on two Community elements. As a result of the operation is a string. Kinds of operations are presented in the table below:

Table 12.11. Meaning of Operation field in Community window

Value Description
Append It sticks a string of one Community onto second one and use ':' mark as a separator.
Replace It replaces a current string with a new one from the next Community.
Don't inherit This Community is ignored during a string is calculated for children (i.e.: network interfaces).
Cut It cuts out a string from a string inherited from its parent.

Name field allows you to write an item name, and then it is visible as its identifier, when you use an item.

Community items are used to control stream of information in many places of the system. They allow you to make a decision, who can be informed about any event or allow you to decide, that make any action or not, etc.

Community items can be set for such objects as: network interfaces, BGP peers, managed items, objects, ping objects.

A result string equivalent to a given object or ping object is equal a string of Community field, and Community item which is set for it. Calculating of a result string for network interfaces, BGP peers and managed items consists of two steps. First a string for a device, i.e. object which has a given item, is calculated, and then its own Community item is taken into consider. During the operations on these two Communities items, a sequence of items and values of their Operation fields figures much.

You have not to attribute Community items to any object. So, the result string can be empty for a given object. An example of using of Community items

The example shows a work result of two Communities for a network interface (i.e. so-1/0/1) for a given device (i.e. juniper-gw). The device juniper-gw has Community with a string a:b:c. The network interface so-1/0/1 has Community with a string c:d. The work results of these two Communities are presented in the table below:

Table 12.12. The work results of two Communities depending on Operation field

  juniper-gw: a:b:c + append juniper-gw: a:b:c + replace juniper-gw: a:b:c + don't inherit juniper-gw: a:b:c + cut
so-1/0/1: c:d + append a:b:c:d a:b:c:d c:d a:b:c:d
so-1/0/1: c:d + replace c:d c:d c:d c:d
so-1/0/1: c:d + don't inherit c:d c:d c:d c:d
so-1/0/1: c:d + cut d d c:d d A list of available communities

The list presents communities sorted into their names. Features characterizing particular items are shown in the columns. Selected items of the list can be edited in Community dialog. There are two buttons below the list:

Table 12.13. Communities dialog - description of the buttons

Button Decription
It opens Community dialog which also can be run from the main view of the application.
It deletes selected items of the list. It can be more then one item.

12.5.4. Collection groups configuration

A collection group is a group of SNMP variables collecting same work parameters of a device. The variables have properties allowing to collect them and defining a method of their visualization. Each variable defines one work parameter of a device.

Collection on the base of their parameters are automatically allocated to devices and network interfaces. When we added to the system managed item groups, meaning of collection groups was declined. Now, thay are defining only collecting of traffic of network interfaces, so their another functions wear thin. Managed item groups characterize more general and flexible aprroach. For that's sake, we suggest, that defined groups won't be modified.

Collection group specific tab presents the particular features of collection groups. Name field is a text describing a given group and its identifier which is used in other parts of David system. Type describes a collection type. The following table characterizes them shortly:

Table 12.14. Types of the collection groups

Type Description
Net interface The collection is destined for network interfaces not-supporting 64-bit counters.
Net interface (High Capacity Counters) The collection is destined for network interfaces supporting 64-bit counters.
Object The collection is destined for an object.
External The collection allows to vizualization external data. No real data are collected for the collcection, but if you define the collection, you can browse the data through the web application Collection Browser. The data are saved in the Database by a script run by UNIX CRON service.
Aggregated The special collection is destined for pooling of collections which are collected for network interfaces. Only network interfaces, assigned to a given collection, provide data to it.

SQL DB Table (external) field is important for an External type collection. It includes SQL table name from which Collection Browser will be read data during a graph drawing. Background color field helps you to specify a background color for graphs of collected data. Polling interval field shows an interval, in seconds, of which another sample is collected. Vendor OID and SNMP version fields let you specify criterions, and on the base of them, the collection will be assigned to an item of the given device. Vendor OID field includes OID which is compared to OID variable, finding on a given device. The field is treated as the beginning of that OID. The vendor is ommited as a selection parameter if that field is empty. SNMP version field shows a minimum version of SNMP protocol, that a device has to provide. If these two fields satisfy the conditions, a collection is assigned to a device or its network interface.

Variables tab presents a list of SNMP variables defined for a given group. The view is split into two parts: the top one presents a list of variables, and the bottom one allows to edit particular items of the list. There are four buttons below, that allows to add a new item to the list, delete an existetd one and change an order of the item list.

Selecting a list item causes showing its fields into the edit fields, so any change you make there modifies the selected list item. Name field shows a variable name. It is visible during drawing of a graph and it explains meaning of a variable. Column name field - it is a column name in SQL table created automatically in the Database, where variable values are saved. OID field specifies OID, that a varible is in evidence in SNMP protocol. In a case of collections for network interfaces, a number ifIndex of a given network interface is added to that field value at the end. Color field defines a variable color, that it is drawn on a graph during data visualization. Style field tell us, how the variable values will be treated and if it will be drown. The following table presents values of Style field and their meaning:

Table 12.15. Values of Style field for variables of colletion group

Value Description
Do not draw A variable is not draw on a graph.
Draw value The variable values can be changed in any line, i.e. they can be increasing or decreasing.
Draw increase of value The variable values can only increase until it reaches a maximum value and starts increasing again from zero. It is a characteristic feature of counters.

Extended style field shows, in which way a variable will be drawn. It can have three values, but Bar value is not taken account. Line value lets the variable draw as a line, while Filled value lets a graph fill at the bottom. Enhanced style field can have four values: Min, Max, Min & Max and Avg. The field has historical meaning, because Avg value is always used. Factor field is a number on which variable values are multiplied by during its drawing and further processing. Its value also tell us how many times you sholud multiply a variable value, that its quantity was expressed in units specified in Unit field. It can have the following values:

  • bits/sec;

  • kbits/sec;

  • Mbits/sec;

  • Gbits/sec;

  • Bytes/sec;

  • kBytes/sec;

  • MBytes/sec;

  • GBytes/sec;

  • Pkts/sec;

  • kPkts/sec;

  • MPkts/sec;

  • GPkts/sec;

  • Other.

Octet length field, if it is greater then 0, shows how many bytes (octets) a given variable has (i.e. if it is a value of 32 or 64 bits). The field Accounting type shows if the variable is accounted or not and, if it is, how its values should be treated. The field can get following values:

Table 12.16. Values of the field Accounting type for variables of colletion group

Value Description
None The variable is not accounted.
Input octets Values of the variable are accounted as input octets (bytes).
Output octets Values of the variable are accounted as output octets (bytes).
Input packets Values of the variable are accounted as input packets.
Output packets Values of the variable are accounted as output packets. A list of available collection groups

The list presents the collection groups, that are sorted into their names. Features characterized particular items are shown in the columns. Selected items of the list can be edited in Collect group dialog. There are two buttons at the bottom of the list.

Table 12.17. A description of the Collect groups buttons

Button Description
It opens Collect group dialog, that you can also run from a main view of the application.
It let you delete selected items of the list. It can be more then one selected item.

12.5.5. Managed item groups configuration

Managed item groups are definitions, that interpret particular items of tables which are in devices MIB and acessible through SNMP protocol. The definition allows to describe a few ways of data interpretation. A part of data from a given table can be collected, and another part of data can be monitored, while another one can be only gathered during a standard procedure of data update of a given device. The device is searched at an angle data specified in a definition of the group, during the update procedure. The finding data, that match the group definition, become the managed items. They can represent any work aspects of a device: serviced protocols (BGP, ISIS, OSPF, MPLS, VPN etc.), phisical device elements (ports, interfaces, power supplies, fans, proccesors etc.) and other entities acessible by SNMP protocol (i.e.: filters of packets).

Managed item group specific tab shows particular features of the managed item groups. Name field includes a short name of the group. It is visible during browsing of a collection or a content of a given device, so it should show clearly which aspect of device working it concerns. Description field allows to describe a content of the table which is scaned using the group. Activated field shows, if the group is taken into consideration during the data update. Background color field describes a background color of drawn graphs for data, collected on the strength of the group. Polling interval field shows an interval, in seconds, of which another collected data of the group are collected. Array OID field includes an OID of the MIB table which is scaned to search managed items. Vendor number field descrbes an identifier of device vendor, that will be scaned for the group. If a value of Vendor number field has 0, the group is looked for on devices of all vendors. Scan MIB as table field shows, if a group definition relates to a table in MIB database or to its scalar values. In other words, sanning of MIB database is done according to searching of rows of a given table or ordinary salar values. Add zero to OIDs during SNMP-GET field allows to go around errors of SNMP implementation on same devices. The error shows rather seldom (some SNMP agents on measures SNMP to UPS of APC company), the problem is, that a request SNMP-GETNEXT for some MIB elements gives back the next element, which answers in error on a direct request SNMP-GET. If you want to get a correct answer, you should add '0' to its identifier. So, Add zero to OIDs during SNMP-GET field almost has always No value. Valid for logical devices field describes, if logical devices (logical routers of Juniper company) will be searched at an angle the group or not. Becaouse some MIB table are the same both phisical devices and logical devices configured on them, duplicating data is no use. IP address regular expression field allows to limit searching of the group for devices, that are polled through a given set of IP adresses. The empty field shows, that IP address doesn't decide about searching of the group on a device. Excluded IP address regular expression field lets you limit searching of groups for device, that are polled through excluding a given set of IP addresses. The empty field shows, that IP addres doesn't influance on decision to search group on a device. Valid for subinterfaces if linked to netinterfaces field shows, that managed items, finding on a scaned device and connected with its network interfaces, will be ignored, if a connected interface is a subinterface. There are some situations when the same data are replaied for all elements corresponding with subinterfaces of the same network interface. In this case monitoring of an element is sufficient, that is connected with a main network interface. Alarm allowed for its managed items field allows to describe, if for managed items, discovered by the group, will be run scripts alerting about CRITICAL state. Accounting for its managed items field shows, if given variables are accounted or not. If they are, the variables, that a value of Accounting field is different from None, are accounted. ID string field includes a string identyfing a given managed item group. For convenience, the field includes a date of creation of a given group. The field is only important during actualization of Network Manager product, because new, identyfied groups are added on the base of this field.

Entries tab presents a list of searched items of a given group during scanning of a device. If MIB table is scanned, each entry is agreed with a single column of the table. If scalar values are scanned, the connections between entries can be default, free. The panel is split into two parts: the top one shows a list of entries, and the bottom one lets to edit elements of the list. There are four buttons below the list, that allow to add a new element to the list, delete an existed item and change a sequence of the list.

Selecting of the list item concerns, that its fields appear on edited fields and any change changes the list item. Name field includes an item name (a column). Index field specifies a column index of MIB table, that the entry concerns. Indexes of all entries in a given group have to be different from themselves. An index lower then zero shows, that the item isn't taken from MIB table but is defined by a user. Type field describes type of values and shows in which way a value of MIB object can be interpreted. The below table presents values of Type field and their meaning:

Table 12.18. Values of Type field for entries of managed item group

Value Description
String The fild is a string.
Integer The field is a signed integer.
Enumeration The field includes a set of the enumeration values.
Administration state The same meaning as Enumeration field, but additionally with a tip about meaning of the field.
Operational state The same meaning as Enumeration field, but additionally with a tip about meaning of the field.
Unsigned integer The field is an unsigned integer.
Value The field includes a real number.
Counter The field includes a counter.
Speed The field includes a number in bits/sec.
Bool The field includes a bool number.
Date and time The field includes date and time.
Bit list The field is interpreted as a list of bits (i.e. hexadecimal string), where positions of bits '1' are printed out..
Other The field includes other type of data and it is treated as a string.

Enum properties field includes a list of enumerated values, that an object of the MIB table can have. A set of the enumerated values isn't ignored only then Type field is set an Enumeration, Administration state or Operational state value. If you want to edit the list, you should click Enum properties field. The appeared dialog lets you edit particular items of the list of enumerated values.

Enumeration properties window lets you edit a list of enumerated values. Each value must be unique. Each entry corresponding to an enumerated value has Description field, that is a texted description of the value and it shows, that it is a positive or negative value. Color field specifies a color, that a value is drawn.

The field Bit mask properties of Entries tab includes a list of the bit masks, that can include values of MIB table object. Values of the filed are taken into consideration, when they exist, regardless of a velue of Type field. When you want to edit the list, you should click on Bit mask properties field. The open dialog lets you edit particular elements of the bit mask list.

Bit mask properties dialog lets edit a list of the bit masks. Each entry corresponding with bit mask in the form of hexadecimal includes Description field which is text description of a bit mask. The fild Is always visible describes, if a value of a given mask is shown always or only then, when it shows.

Static field of Entries tab lets describe, if values of the MIB object are dynamic, i.e. thay are taken from MIB by SNMP protocol, or if thay are edited by a user. Description field describes, if values of the MIB object are treated as a description of the managed item. Editable field shows, if a value can be edited by a user, while Collected field shows, if values of the MIB object are collected by dedcd. Managed field shows, if the MIB object is monitored, in other words, SNMP requests concerning its value periodically are send by dnmmsd. Saved field describes if monitored requests would be saved, when values are changed. In other way values are only updated, their changes are ignored and aren't logged to logs. Save trigger field shows if the MIB object change involves writting down whole managed item to log. In comparisons field shows, if a given MIB object is taken into consideration during comparison of two managed items. If one field has TRUE value, only the values of the MIB objects mean during comparison of two managed items. In other coincidence, item indexes are compared with. Manged item comparison is taken during the update procedure of a device. Then, the managed items are updated, new one are added and the not-existed one are deleted. Inside responses field shows, if values of the MIB object are included in responses to requests of dnmmc. Unit field specifies units, in which the MIB object values are expressed. It is important i.e.: during drawing of graphs. The field can have the following values:

Table 12.19. The Unit field values for entries of the managed item group

Value Description
bits/sec It shows a number of bits in second.
Pkts/sec It shows a number of packets in second.
sec. It shows time.
Other It shows other units.

Column name field is important if the column values are collected. It specifies a column name in SQL table, when data are gathered. Style field shows, how the MIB object values will be drawn. The below table shows possible values:

Table 12.20. Style field values for entries of the managed item group

Value Description
None No values are drawn.
Line A linear graph.
Filled A filled graph.
Bar Bars.

Factor to unit field shows a number which multiplied by a value of the column gives an amount expressed in units that Unit field shows. Factor field shows a next mulitiplier. It is used during sending the data to Operation Manager product. Color field specifies a color which the column values are drawn. Octet length field, if it is greater then 0, shows how many bytes (octets) a given variable has (i.e. when it is a value of 32 or 64 bits). Maximum value field lets you set a maximum value of a given variable. Minimum range and Maximum range fields let you set a range of acceptable values for this variable. Values outside the range generate alarm situations. The field Accounting type shows if the column is accounted or not and, if it is, how its values should be treated. The field can have the following values:

Table 12.21. Values of the field Accounting type for entries of managed item group

Value Description
None The column is not accounted.
Input octets Values of the column are accounted as input octets (bytes).
Output octets Values of the column are accounted as output octets (bytes).
Input packets Values of the column are accounted as input packets.
Output packets Values of the column are accounted as output packets.

Exclusion string field - if it is not empty, it shows what kind of variable string excluded whole managed item from monitoring.

Indexes tab shows elements of indexes which managed items have and thay are a result a definition of the group. The tab is empty in mainly cases. You can use the tab, when you want to search MIB table and choose its a few rows. Indexes tab defines an item selection on the base of index values. It includes a list of a part of the index until the part being a filter. Each of the parts has a few properties, that define it.

The panel is split into two parts: the top one presents a list of indexes, and the bottom one allows to edit particular items of the list. There are four buttons below, that allows to add a new item to the list, delete an existetd one and change an order of the item list.

Selecting of a list item causes appearing its fields into the edit fields, so change of the list item is made by any change.

Name field lets you remember meaning of the item. Fixed length field show if the index part has fixed length, or not. If it has fixed length, Length field allows to pass the size. If Index field is specified, values of other fields are ignored, because both lenght and value can be set using Index field. A value of Index field is a filter of managed items. Only the manged items will be acepted, that an adequate index part is equal in Index field value. If the field is empty and in Fixed length field is selected No, a length of the index part is read from a next number included in index of the managed item.

Link tab allows to specify requirements on which a result managed item connects with other managed item or network interface. Valid field shows if a link is important or not. If not, another fields of the tab are ignored and no connection is created. Other fields are split into two groups. The first one concerns a source, i.e. proccesing, managed item, and the second one concerns an aim of connection. Source type field shows if an index of proccesing managed item is selected to search a connection or its value. If Value value is selected, Source index field includes a column index of MIB table, where the value is included. If a value of Source index field is Index, an index part of proccesing managed item is selected to search a connection. Then Source start index field includes an index of OID element, that is an item index while Source index length includes a length of a index part of the item, that will be used to comparison.

Analogical meaning have fields concerning a searched aim of the link. Destination type field can have one of three values:

Table 12.22. Values of Destination type field for Link tab of managed item group

Value Description
IfIndeks A network interface is a searched item about adequate value of ifIndex field.
Indeks A managed item is a searched item about adequate column value with Destination index index of MIB table.
Value A managed item is a searched item about adequate part of index, that begins on Destination start index position and has a length Destination index length.

Destination managed item group field show a destination group of the connection, if a value of Destination type field is Index or Value. A list of accesible managed item groups

The list presents managed item groups sorted according to their names. Features characterized particular items are shown in columns. Selected items of the list can be edited in Managed item group dialog. There are two buttons below the list.

Table 12.23. The buttons of Managed item groups dialog

Button Description
It opens Managed item group dialog, that also can be opend in the main view of the application.
It allows to delete selected items of the list. It can be selected more then one item.

12.5.6. Layers configuration

The functionality is currently inaccessible.  A list of available layers

A list of accessible layers presents layers sorted according to their unique identifiers. In the columns properties of particular items are showed. There are a layer type and regular expression described a layer. Because the layer functionality isn't used currently, we finish its description.

12.5.7. Network interfaces configuration

Network interfaces always belong to physical devices discovered by dnmmsd server. They represent both physical and logical network interfaces that are presented at monitored devices. They have many features and properties resulting from both their equivalents on physical devices and David system functionality.

Specyfic tab includes fileds, that are characteristic for a network interface. The fields ifIndex, Description and Alias are accessible by SNMP protocol and they characterize an interface (ifIndex is an interface index in MIB of a device). Alias field can be set by a system user permanently. The field shouldn't be written at the next reading of device configuration, and in this case you should set Update alias option as No. Type field describes an interface type and Admin status and Oper status - a current operation and administration state (i.e.UP, DOWN, UNKNOWN). Collect field shows, if the interface is collected. A collection name is showed by Collect group. If Update coll. avail. field is set Yes, the collection is made automatically during updating of a device configuration. Speed and High speed fields show information about an interface speed. The value are updated automatically, when Update speed field has Yes value. Main interface field, for subinterface, shows physical interface, on which it is defined. For physical interface it shows itself, and then in the field description myself appears.

IP panel includes a list of IP addresses with masks of networks ascribed to the network interface. Device IP column shows, if a given address is treated as a device address or not. If yes, the device is polled by selected IP address. The device can have such address only one. Forbidden IP column shows addresses, that are never used during polling of the device. Device IP column shows, if a given address is treated as a device address. Then, the device is polled by a selected IP address. A davice may have at the most one the address. Forbidden IP column shows addresses, that are never used during polling of the device. If you want to change one of properties of a given address, you should click an address entry in a suitable column.

Agg. collections tab shows a list of aggregate collections, to which an interface belongs to. The panel shows a list and its buttons, that allow to edit it. If you add a network interface to an aggregate collection, data collcectd for the interface increase suitable date of the collcection. So, it is a sum of them.

You can't see a list of all network interfaces available in Network Information Database. However you can see all interfaces of a given device, when you run a preview. To do this you should double click on a device symbol on the Network Management Map or select a device and choose suitable items of a menu or suitable button on the toolbar.

12.5.8. BGP peers configuration

BGP peers always belong to physical routers discovered by dnmmsd server. They have many features and properties resulting from both their equivalents on physical devices and David system functionality. The field Local IP address shows a local IP address of defined BGP peer, and Remote IP address field - its remote address. Description field is set by a system user. Remote AS field shows an AS number of a given peer while Admin status and Oper status a current operation and administration state (i.e. ACTIVE, ESTABLISHED, UP). Local network interface field shows a local network interface, that has IP address consistent with Local IP address field.

You can't see a list of all BGP peers available in Network Information Database. However you can see all BGP peers of a given router, when you run a preview. To do this, you should double click on device symbol on the Network Management Map or select a router and choose suitable items of a menu or suitable button on the toolbar.

12.5.9. Managed item configuration

Managed items are results of scanning process of a physical device that concerns a given managed item group. Their properties and fields depend on a definition of origin group. Specific tab includes a few fields, common for all types of managed items. Adding zero to OIDs field shows if for the managed item is added '0' to its index during SNMP-GET operation (On), or not Off. A value which is used the most often is As group, i.e. a procedure consistent with the group definition. Link type field shows a link type if a given item is connected with other item, and Link ID field shows an identifier of a connected item. Link (translated) field is a resulted description of the item to which is connected a seclected managed item.

Entries tab shows a list of entries, that belong to the managed item. Definition of origin managed item shows which one can be edited or not. The fields usually can be edited. Columns Minimum range and Maximum range, if they are different from each other, they overwrite ranges defined by the origin group. It lets you set a range of acceptable values for each item separately. Accounting type column lets you set type of accounting for each item. If it is None, this value is taken from a definition of a appropriate entry of the origin group.

12.5.10. Objects configuration

Objects can be both physical devices discovered by the system and symbols crated by a user for the system needs. The following types of objects are permitted: Network, Link, Device, Location. A user can create objects of Link or Location type. If you want to create an object of Location type, you should specify suitable fields to edition. If you want to define an object of Link type, you should select additionally two objects that are its ends. A new object always is added to a current presented map.

In Specific panel the field Type describes an object type. Update name shows if its name is updated duritng its update of the configruration, and No of children shows us how many children objects are included in the object. Discovered (network only) field concerns only objects of Network type and shows if a network is scaned to find new objects or not. Background field specifies a path to a local graphic file, that is a background of the object inside. The field Device type describes a device type, if the object has Device type. The field can have the following values:

  • Generic device;

  • Computer;

  • Router;

  • ATM switch;

  • Ethernet switch;

  • Ups;

  • Print server;

  • Wireless device;

  • Modem.

In the moment of discovering of a davice by the system, it tries to find a correct value of the field, that next can be changed by a user.

The fields X coord and Y coord show an object location on a mother map. Collected field shows if collected data for the object are compatible with Collect group. Update coll. avail. field shows if during update of the configuration of a device, the best collection group will be searched for it every time. Last update field means for objects which reflect physical devices and the field show when the last update of a device had taken place using SNMP protocol. Physical device field shows an object which is a phisical device for a given object. Selecting in this field other object by a user is understood, that the edited object is set as a virtual object. The function is used when virtual routhers of Juniper company are monitored. In the case of Link object type you can use additionally two fields (Link from and Link to) describing objects that it connects.

Dependences panel presents a list of items that their states influence on an object state. Besides the list, states of object children, network interfaces and managed items (if an object is a physical device) and BGP peers (if additionally the object is a router) influence on the object state. Two buttons are placed below the list. The first one helps you edit the list and second one lets you delete selected items. A list edition opens a dialog with the list of all current available items from Network Information Database that you can use in this place, and the dialog will be described below.

A list of items can be a multiple-choice or a single-choice. It is depended on a given context in which it was opened. An exploration of branches is depended on the same fact. If you want to apply that changes, you should press the button Apply, otherwise you should press button Escape or click the mouse behind an area of the dialog.

12.5.11. A configuration of ping object groups

Ping object groups group objects in logical sets. Each group is displayed as a separate panel of objects. It defines any common properties for gathered objects. Specific tab has many fiels which meaning is described below:

  • Name - a group name;

  • Alarm interval (seconds) - it defines about what period of time alarms will be run for objects belongs to that group;

  • Number of packet - a number of packets;

  • Packet sieze - a size of packets;

  • Interval between packets (ms) - it defines about what period of time single pakets in each burst (series);

  • Timeout (ms) - timeout for a single packet;

  • Interval between series (sec) - interval between next series of packets;

  • Log results - it shows if response times will be logged or not;

  • Can send Traps - it shows if SNMP Traps can be sent or not;

  • Bad status upper limit (%) - upper limit of BAD status in percents;

  • Down status upper limit (%) - upper limit of DOWN status in percents;

  • Ok limit for min (ms) - a limit of acceptable minimum response times;

  • Ok limit for avg (ms) - a limit of acceptable avarage response times;

  • Ok limit for max (ms) - a limit of acceptable maximum response times;

  • X coord i Y coord - X and Y coordinates of ping object panel;

  • Width i Height - width and height of ping object panel. A list of available ping object groups

A list of ping object groups presents ping object groups sorted according to their names. Properties of items are shown in the columns. Selected items of a list can be edited in Ping groups window. Two buttons are placed below the list of items.

Table 12.24. A description of the Ping groups window buttons

Button Description
It opens Ping group window, that you can also open in the main view of the application.
It allows you to delete selected items of the list. It can be more then one item.

12.5.12. Item alarms configuration

A part of edited windows of different items has Alarm tab. There is data concerning alarms, i.e. programs, that are periodically run for items which state has CRITICAL value. The alarm programs are run by dnmmsd server. Frequency of running alarms is a property of a ping object group when the alarm is called for a ping object. For other items (network interfaces, BGP peers and managed items) the value is fixed and it is 5 minutes.

To turn off alarm for an object to a given moment, Yes value should be set for Alarm off field, and then in Turn the alarm on (days) field should be choosen a day and in Turn the alarm on (hours) field - an hour when the alarm is active again. Turn the alarm on at field shows additionally a day and an hour, when the alarm is activated. When Alarm off until OK field has Yes value, alarm will be active 15 minutes after last change of an object state from CRITICAL state. When Alarm always off field has Yes value, the alarm will be never run for the object. Alarm counter field shows a counter of run alarms for the item. Last alarm field shows last time of alarm for the item. Last down state filed shows last time of CRITICAL state for the item. Run test alarm field allows to run a test alarm for the item.

12.5.13. Item states configuration

A part of edited windows of different items has State tab. It includes information about a state of the item and allows to specify some propeties, that are common for alomost all items. Name field includes an item name. For some types of items (i.e. BGP peers) the field is empty, because its value is unimportant. State group field shows a group of states to which a given item belongs to. State field includes an item state, and Community field can include a name of Community object assigned to the item. Is passive show if state of the item may be actively changed and affect state of its owner. Last check field shows when for the last time a given item state was chacked. Last status change field shows when for the last time change of a given item was observed. Owner field includes owner's data (a parent object) of an item.

12.5.14. A configuration of a user and an item group

Edited windows of all items of Network Information Database include User and group tab. Creator (UID) field shows a creator of a given item, and Modifier (UID) field - the last person who modified an item. system value shows, that a creator or a modifier is dnmmsd server. Creation time field shows a creation time of an item, and Modification time field - its modification time. User field specifies an owner of the item, and Group field - a group to which the item belongs to.

12.5.15. A configuration of additional groups of item

Additional groups tab exists in edited windows of all items. It allows to add an item to additional groups of users and describes access rights for each group separately.

12.5.16. A configuration of access rights to the Database objects

Rights tab exists in edited windows of all items. It allows to specify access rights to an item for an owner, a group or other users. Each of groups can have a right to WRITE, READ and EXECUTE of a given item. Minimum user's level field specifies a minimal level of a user that can modify an item. The word ‘minimum’ can be mistaken because a level 0 of a user is the highest level of rights, and next levels (it means n+1) define lower levels of rights.