The most important changes of David system |
3.1.0 version |
- Applications xdnnve and xdnnv have been withdrawn from further development
and have been removed from the product Network Manager.
- A search capability has been added to the web application Node browser (Map view tab).
- Links are drawn in different manner in Map view tab of the web application Node browser - all links
are drawn in a one big image.
- A place for a user logo has been added into the web interface.
- A new type has beed defined that can be apply as a type of entries
of a managed item group: administration string. It behaves similarly
as the administration state field but it's UP when is not empty and DOWN
- The description field (alias to be exact) of network interfaces has been expanded
from 64 to 255 characters.
- The startup wizard has been created. It is a web application that will take you through
the essential configuration steps after the installation of David system.
- The products of David system are available as RPM as well as DEB packages now.
3.0.1 version |
- Bugs during the installation process of the SQL database have been fixed.
- The naming convention of RPM packages has been changed
(from david-xxx-product-yyy.rpm to david-product-yyy.rpm).
3.0.0 version |
- The product Network Manager has been split into following products:
David system Common Files, David system Libraries, Primary SQL Database, Daemon Manager
and new Network Manager.
- A new product has been created: Secondary SQL Database.
- The directories from the David system user home directory have been moved
to the different locations accross the entire filesystem (eg.: /etc/david-system,
/usr/bin/david-system, /usr/lib/david-system, /usr/shared/david-system,
/var/log/david-system etc.).
- A few managed item groups have been defined for Tahoe and CTC devices.
- A new product has appeared: Distributed SQL Database Manager. It embraces entirely new
components: the daemon ddsdcvd, the loadable module mod_dsqldm.so and the web
application Database Distribution Configurator. This product enables to distribute
the David system SQL database among many SQL servers what allows to decrease load
of the system and boost its performance.
- The web application - Collection browser - has been completely rebuilt. Basically,
this is a brand new application, created from scretch. It uses Ajax technology and replaces
the previous version of that application.
- The functionality of Node browser, the web application, has been enhanced again.
Some nice features have been added to that application.
- The products of David system are available also as RPM packages now.
2.8.0 version |
- Since now the web application Node browser allows to edit such elements as:
devices, networks, links, locations, network interfaces, BGP peers, managed items
and ping objects. Edition of other objects will be provided in the future releases.
In such way all functionality of the X-Window application - Network Management Map
(xdnmm) - will be take over by the web application - Node browser.
- User accounts can be locked since now.
- Users can be forced to change their passwords since now. A user can be forced
to do that during the login to the David system web interface.
- A new file has appeared: /etc/david-system.conf. It will contain important settings
for David system applications.
- A small but important change in the configuration file of the deamon manager: dsmd.
Since now a field username can be empty.
- A small but important change in the script bin/base.php. The default e-mail recipient
is now taken from the environment variable DAVIDEMAILRCPT.
- A few bugs have been fixed.
2.7.0 version |
- Start of the module dnmmsd has been accelerated.
- Ping object groups can have communities assigned to them in order to do better addressing
of failure notifications.
- Network interfaces have a new field now: polling interval. The field allows to specify
an individual interval between taking collections by dedcd module for that interface.
- The module dnmmsd monitors ifLastChange parameters of network interfaces now.
- A new field - comment - has been added to the information about each defined customer.
- A few managed item groups have been defined.
- A new script has been added to the bin directory: apc-ups-batteries.php. It will let the system
make better reactions for power failures.
- Ping objects can have defined their source addresses now.
- A few bugs have been fixed.
2.6.0 version |
- Big changes have been made in the Accounting tab of the web application Node browser.
- Customers can be automatically assigned to and removed from monitored network interfaces
by the module dnmmsd.
- The module dsqldbad can archive tables containing received SNMP-Traps.
- Many icons of locations, routers, switches, computers have been replaced by their new versions.
- The hash algorythm has been changed and unified in the whole David system.
The template David::DHashTable <> realizes this functionality now.
- The module dedcd transfers all needed data from the server dnmmsd, during its startup, much faster.
- The module dsqed can optimize the Trap table now.
- A few bugs have been fixed.
2.5.0 version |
- An important optimization of insertion of SQL queries has been made in dedcd module.
This job can be done 2 times faster now.
- A new tab has been appeared in the web application Node browser: Map view.
This is going to be a very important tab.
- Personalization of the web application has just begun. Application settings
can be stored in the database now.
- Parameters of SQL queues of the module dedcd can be change by setting the startup arguments.
- The important change in a ping object group specification: setting the alarm interval to less
then 1 second disables the alarm at all for all ping objects which belong to that group.
- Some types of network interfaces can be initially disabled by setting them into Not managed state
or setting Is passive flag. It can be done only during the discovery procedure.
- The new product of David system has been released: SQL Database Archive and Backup Manager.
It was created long time ago but it was never made public. As for now, the product allows to archive
old data from SQL tables created by David system modules.
- Some bugs have been found and fixed.
2.4.1 version |
- A few bugs have been found and fixed in the library nmm, in the modules
dnmmsd and dedcd (types of network interfaces were overwritten by strange
values, long descriptions of items on graphs were truncated).
- We forgot to tell the module dreportd that dormant state of a network
interface is a positive state.
- 64-bit version of the library gn contained a few bugs.
2.4.0 version |
- New classes have been added to the library utils: DLString and DString. They will
replace the class DCLString in the future.
- Managed item groups have a new field - field excluded_ip_address_regexp - that makes
they can be skipped during scanning of particular IP addresses.
- Many optimizations have been applied to nmm library and dnmmsd module.
- Customer Configurator, the web application, has been upgraded and it is
operational now.
- Changing IP addresses of network interfaces has been unlocked in the module xdnmm.
- Small corrections in alarm settings for all types of elements in order to
avoid overwritting alarm locks.
- The Network Manager installer cooperates with ldconfig now.
- The module dnmmsd can send SNMP-Traps now.
- The module dnmmsd can generate SNMP-Traps when uptime of a given device decreases.
Next these traps are tranformed into cases.
- Entries of managed item groups have new flags - Is save trigger - that allow
to determine whether the change of that entry should generate a new log entry.
- Entries of managed item groups have new fields - Exclusion string. It allows
to filter out items that their entries contain a given string.
- Ping object groups have new fields: Is result logged. It tells if the response times
are logged.
- Ping object groups have new fields: Can send traps. It tells if SNMP-Traps are generates
when their ping objects go up or down. The traps also can be created when some
of response time limits are violated.
- Ping object groups have new fields: Check interval. This is the interval between
sending series of ICMP packets.
- Three new fields have been added to ping object groups: Ok limit for minimum,
Ok limit for average and Ok limit for maximum.
- The fields of ping object groups - Interval between packets - and - Timeout - have
been unlocked and they are editable now.
- The field - Number of packets - has been added to ping object groups.
- One of network interface states - dormant - has been recognized as
a positive state.
- The web application - Node Browser - has been written from scratch. Now it is
an Ajax application.
- Many managed item groups have been added.
- Many bugs have been fixed.
2.3.2 version |
- Some bugs have been fixed in the module dnmmsd and in the library nmm (during scanning networks,
running alarms for BGP peers, processing responses for sent pings).
2.3.1 version |
- A bug has been found and fixed during starting of the dnmmsd module.
2.3.0 version |
- A new web application has been created - Customer Configurator - the first Ajax application in David system.
- An important change in the nmm library: DNmmRouter and DNmmComputer classes have been replaced
by one class - DNmmDevice. Now the type of a device is internal information of the Device type. The user can change
the type of the device when it's needed. So an Object can be one of: Device, Network, Link and Location.
While a Device can be of: (Generic) Device, Computer, Router, ATM switch, Ethernet switch, UPS, Print server,
Wireless device i Modem
- Many managed item groups have been added.
- An each action defined in the file '.david/.damcsudrc' has now an additional field - type.
- Uptime of devices has been added to be monitored.
- Many bugs have been fixed.
2.2.2 version |
- A bug has been found and fixed in a method DNmmRObject::update() of the nmm library.
- A few ugly bugs have been found and fixed in the dsi module of the product Notification Processor.
They could cause a huge CPU usage and memory exhaustion as well.
- A bug has been found and fixed in a method DNmmNetInterfaceSet::getItem() of the nmm library.
2.2.1 version |
- An unexpected behaviour of an internal function addr2str_internal()
in snmpwrapper library has been discovered and fixed.
2.2.0 version |
- Entries of managed item groups can monitor values that are bit masks.
- A module, responsible for monitoring of network services, from the product
Service Monitor, can send SNMP-Traps when a monitored service is anavailable.
Thus, monitoring of services can generate cases that allow to notify the operator
about such problems.
- Another optimizations have been made in dnmmsd and dedcd modules.
- Some bugs have been fixed.
2.1.0 version |
- The web application Measure UPS Contact Configurator is not longer needed and was removed.
- The web application Notification Recipient Configurator: each entry has a flag now,
if short or full notifications should be send.
- The web application Service Monitor also shows installed on the server
products of David system.
- Ping object groups have fields describing size of its sending ICMP packets.
- Sine now, managed item groups can define scaning of scalar objects which let you keep them
monitored and collected. It allows to define many new groups replacing obsolete collection groups
of type DEVICE which are not supported now.
- The field Incident Duration has been added to cases and can be viewed in the web
application Recorded Operation Browser. The field shows the time distance between
the first and the last event of the case.
- Another optimizations have been made in dnmmsd and dedcd modules.
- Many bugs have been fixed.
2.0.0 version |
- PASSIVE state of elements is a seperate field now instead of one
of values of the field State.
- The module dreportd from Report Manager has been seriously optimized
so OS load generated by it has been reduced.
- The module dsqed from Network Manager has been improved to reduce
OS load during optimization of large SQL tables.
- Modules: damsnmptaud, damadbud, damsnmpdaud, dsi have been rewritten
from C to C++. They use the sql library from David system now
instead of the mysql library directly.
- Service Monitor: Both host and port fields can have source addresses
- Support for SNMPv3 has been added.
- Accounting for network interfaces and selected managed items has been added
(input and output octets and packets are accounted).
- Support for devices, that do not report their network interfaces, has been
- Network Manager: modules dnmmsd and dedcd along with nmm library have been
almost completely rewritten in order to improve performance
of David system.
- Many modules have been optimized to improve their performance and reduce
OS load.
- Limitations of Free Edition of David system
have been reduced.
- Sources of some libraries of David system
have been made public in order to do compilation on a target
operating system.
1.6.0 version |
- A new product has been created: Service Monitor. It monitors selected
network services on application level.
- Module ddc has been removed from product Network Manager.
- A new module of product Network Manager has been created: dsqed. It deletes
data from SQL tables remaining after deleted network interfaces, BGP peers,
managed items, ping objects etc.
- Modules damsnmpti and damsnmpdi from product Operation Manager have been rewritten
from C to C++. They use the sql library from David system now
instead of the mysql library directly.
- Many bugs have been discovered and fixed.
1.4.0 version |
- Browsing collections has been improved. Resizing index panel and selecting
particular collection variables are possible now.
- Optimization of PHP scripts run in CLI mode has been made.
1.2.0 version |
- Most types of items can belong now to many user groups. So, it means that
not only users can belong to many groups but also other items
(network interfaces, BGP peers etc.) can.
- The web interface fully respects now all access rights that system users
can have. Also access rights to web applications have been added.
- An additional field in managed item groups has been added. It describes IP
addresses for which a given group is valid.
- Full alarm support has been added for all types of items
(network interfaces, BGP peers and managed items). Until now only ping objects
used to have such support.
1.1.0 version |
- Managed items can be linked to others (managed items or network
interfaces) since now.
- Support for monitoring of logical devices has been added - the only
one known example is a logical router available on Juniper routers.
1.0.0 version |
- One of the most important libraries of the David system
has been completely rewritten from C to C++ - it caused many, many changes in many
modules and allowed to provide many new features (some of them are listed below).
- Managed items have been added, so since now we can monitor and collect almost all SNMP
entities you can imagine.
- Similar alarms as ping ones have been added to network interfaces, BGP peers and managed items.
- Groups of users have been added (each user may belong to many groups).
- Alomst all items (devices, pings, network interfaces, communities, managed item groups etc.)
belong to some user and group and have access rights like UNIX filesystems.
- Requests to play sound and audio files are queueed and processed in more fair way
by a sound message server, so sound files can be play on a client workstation now.
0.12.2 version |
- Many noticed bugs have been fixed in binary modules and PHP scripts
and some also in David system Web interface.
- Installation scripts of David system products have been improved
to allow the upgrades be as easy as possible.
0.12.x versions |
- Change of David system organization: we divided the system into products
instead of division of subsystems.
- Creating the product that allows to create reports generated every hour.
- Almost all shell scripts have been translated into PHP scripts.
- Simultaneous storing collected data in different SQL tables with
different average periods speeds up accessing the data, that covers long periods of time.
0.9.x versions |
- Almost all data of David system are stored in a SQL database;
- Changes in appearance of David system Web interface;
- Important growing of data available through David system Web interface
and possibility of operating on them.
The new release of our network monitoring system is available. David system 3.1.0 has been released as both RPM and DEB packages. Free Edition is available to download. |
January 7, 2011 |
more... |
The fixed version - David system 3.0.1 - of the latest release of our network monitoring system David system 3.0 is available. Free Edition is available to download. |
September 17, 2010 |
We are pleased to announce the availability of the new version of our network monitoring system David system 3.0. It is also available as RPM packages. Free Edition is available to download. |
September 5, 2010 |
David system 3.0 is on its way and will be released soon. It will be the first distribution available also as RPM packages. |
May 14, 2010 |
The new release of our system - David system 2.8.0 - is available. Free Edition is available to download. |
January 26, 2010 |
The new release of our network monitoring system - David system 2.7.0 - is available. Free Edition is available to download. |
September 12, 2009 |
The new version of our network monitoring system - David system 2.6.0 - has been released. Free Edition is available to download. |
June 12, 2009 |
The new version of our network monitoring system - David system 2.5.0 - is available. Free Edition is available to download. |
February 24, 2009 |
The documentation of David system, our network monitoring system, has been updated. |
February 23, 2009 |
The fixed version of our system - David system 2.4.1 - is already available. Free Edition is available to download. |
December 31, 2008 |
The new version of our network monitoring system - David system 2.4.0 - is available. Free Edition is available to download. The documentation will be updated shortly. |
November 25, 2008 |
The fixed version of our network monitoring system - David system 2.3.2 - is already available. Free Edition is available to download. |
July 8, 2008 |
An important bug has been found in the last version of our network monitoring system - David system 2.3.0. Upgrade to the version 2.3.1 is recommended. Free Edition is available to download. |
April 23, 2008 |
The new version of our network monitoring system - David system 2.3.0 - is available now. Free Edition is available to download. |
March 29, 2008 |
The latest version of our network monitoring system has just been released. A few bugs have been found and fixed. The new version of the Free Edition - David system 2.2.2 is available to download. |
January 30, 2008 |
Because of an important bug, an update of our network monitoring system has been made. The new version of the Free Edition - David system 2.2.1 is available to download. |
December 30, 2007 |
Possibilities of monitoring of network interfaces have been extended in the Free Edition of David system. The number of network interfaces you can monitor has been increased from 150 to 1000! |
December 29, 2007 |